I have always wondered why people in general do not seek grief help when it is available to them. What gets in the way; cost, pride, time, perception, fear, embarrassment or perhaps a bad experience when seeking help...
UNSPOKEN GRIEF (partner loss)
Imagine not being able to talk about or share your grief with others. Depending on the relationship and the family dynamics, sharing a loss is not always possible. How sad is this, especially when one of the ways to heal...
The Elephant in the Room
I have noticed the “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” on many occasions and to be honest, sometimes I have been afraid of that elephant. You might wonder what she is talking about. You know, that thought in your mind...
When Death and Loss Are Too Close
When death and loss are closer than you are prepared to deal with, what happens to you? How do you process this information? Does fear and panic take over and if so, for how long? Does the flight or fight...